Japanese series Kanban Neko (2022) Japanese Drama Starring Furukawa Yuki, Hosoda Kanata, Nagai Mijika and more.
Also Known As: Cat Property
Aired On: Friday
Futaboshi Yuuto is 30 years old who had lost his parents in an accident at an early age. He lives in a large Japanese house with his grandfather Kozo. He has never been to work. He earned a living in the real estate industry and has only taken care of Kozo, who is sick, and his two cats, Kuro and Char, who live with him. One day, Kozo suddenly died of cerebral infarction. Kozo’s death left Yuuto and his cats to be left behind.
Among the funeral, Hirose Yumi of Yotsuba Real Estate says that she is in charge of real estate management from Kozo. She informs him that he will have to sell most of the real estate to pay the inheritance tax. Since he has no income, she offers to remodel the house into a share house where he lives with cats. For Yuuto, the cats are a family. Can residents and cats live together? Is it possible for Yuuto to live with others in the first place?