Series Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!? (2022) Japanese Drama Starring Yamada Ryosuke, Yoshine Kyoko, Ohashi Kazuya.
Also Known As: My Cuteness Is About to Expire!? , Ore no Kawaii wa Mosugu Shohikigen!? , Ore no Kawai ha Mousugu Shouhikigen!?
Aired On: Saturday
The story features two people who experience their first loves late in life.
Maruya Kosuke is a 29-year-old employee at a beer manufacturer who works in the sales department and comes from a rich family that owns a brewery. Since he was young, he has been popular thanks to his good looks and always receives confessions of love from women. However, he gets a rude awakening one day when he realizes that his cuteness has an expiration date.
Sanada Izumi works as a researcher in the same company as Kosuke and always thinks of herself as being secondary to others due to a past experience.