Series You Are My Hero (2021) Chinese Drama Starring Sandra Ma, Bai Jing Ting and Wayne Wang.
Also Known As: Ni Shi Wo De Cheng Chi Ying Lei , Love To Be Loved By You , You Are My City and Fortress
Aired On: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
A new resident at the bustling metropolitan hospital Mi Ka’s life is far from boring. With a steady stream of patients to see and a variety of training exercises to complete. The chance to help people and save lives is all she has ever wanted. She’s happy she has finally found a way to make that dream come true. Ever one to volunteer when a new opportunity to help others arises. Mi Ka joins in a joint emergency rescue training exercise between the hospital and the police SWAT team. A decision that will change her life forever.
When a deadly earthquake shakes the very foundations of the world. Joined by a team of military personnel including Xing Ke Lei a special ops agent. Who first met Mi Ka through a series of misunderstandings that left them both with a less than favorable impression of each other. Mi Ka and her medical team set out on a mission fraught with danger. Despite their initial misgivings Xing Ke Lei and Mi Ka have no choice. Working side by side their feelings towards each other gradually begin to soften. As they observe how tirelessly each works to save lives.
When the nation in which they’re working is thrown into turmoil. Mi Ka and the rest of the medical team find themselves in very real danger. Putting his life on the line Xing Ke Lei is determined to come to their rescue. But will he be able to get to them in time?